If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, you probably want to find out more about the various treatments available and how you can prevent it from recurring. Listed below are 10 healthy ways to manage ED. If you are concerned that you might be suffering from this condition, you may also be interested in learning about the causes and diet recommendations. Keep reading to find out more about the condition and learn more about the available treatment options.
Treatment options
There are many treatment options for erectile dysfunction. Sex therapy is an option for many men suffering from ED. This type of therapy helps a man’s partner accept the problem and cope with it. ED patients who have a clear psychological cause should undergo sex therapy before proceeding with any invasive methods. Hormone replacement therapy is another option. This is used only after a physician determines that the problem is not related to low hormone levels.
A medical specialist can diagnose erectile dysfunction based on several factors, including a history of sexually transmitted diseases, hormone levels, and underlying health conditions. A thorough physical exam may reveal underlying conditions that are causing the problem. Tests such as an ultrasound may reveal that blood flow is not optimal and may be a cause of the problem. Alternatively, an injection test may be recommended. Once the urologist has determined the underlying cause, he or she can prescribe an erectile dysfunction treatment.
There are many physical and psychological causes of erectile dysfunction. Medications, such as antidepressants and blood pressure medications, can interfere with the ability to produce an erection. Fildena can also affect the way your body processes hormones, nerves, and blood circulation, making erectile dysfunction a much greater risk. Relationship issues and stress can also contribute to a decreased ability to produce an erection. These causes include low self-esteem, guilt, and fear of failure during sexual intercourse.
Your healthcare provider can diagnose the cause of your ED by asking about your symptoms and your general medical history. He or she will also perform physical tests, such as a blood test, to rule out other medical problems. Blood tests may reveal signs of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe medication to treat the underlying problem. A healthcare provider will also examine your heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse in your extremities. These tests may also reveal hormonal issues.
The prevention of erectile dysfunction is possible if you can address the underlying causes of the condition. Many factors are involved in ED, such as a compromised blood supply to the penis. Insufficient blood supply causes weak, short, or impossible erections. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, and drugs that affect the central nervous system can all compromise the penis’s blood supply.
A healthy diet can help maintain erection function. Aim for a healthy weight and try to control your blood pressure and diabetes. These conditions are associated with higher incidences of ED. Limiting alcohol intake is another way to prevent ED. Seek the advice of a counselor if you are unsure of how to cut alcohol out of your diet. Erectile dysfunction can be a huge strain on relationships its can be treat with Vidalista 20.
Erectile dysfunction is the number one cause of impotence in men, with 30 million men in the U.S. suffering from some form of it. This condition can be a major wake-up call to make sure your nutrition housekeeping is in check. Here are some of the top foods to eat for a healthy penis. A crappy diet can have a profound effect on erectile function.
Foods that increase blood flow to the penis can help to stimulate the erection process and improve libido. High blood flow can also help the circulatory system and organs, which means a healthier lifestyle for both of you. Erectile dysfunction can also be a warning sign of more serious health issues. By eating the right foods, you can prevent it from ever happening in the first place.
The most obvious benefits of exercise include its ability to reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health, which are two primary culprits of erectile dysfunction. Exercising also reduces stress, improves penile blood flow, and enhances confidence. Exercise is also a great way to reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other health conditions that can negatively impact a man’s sexual life. Although it is best to speak to a doctor before starting a physical activity program, it can help improve your erectile health.
While the symptoms of erectile dysfunction may be hard to address, physical activity is an excellent way to improve overall health and prevent ED altogether. Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health and helps the body maintain a healthy weight. In fact, men with a waist measurement of 42 inches have a 50% higher chance of developing ED than men who are underweight. Exercise also improves libido, so exercising regularly may prove to be the best way to combat this condition.