How to Get Brushing

Do you care for your teeth and gums enough? If you do, you can avoid those unnecessary dentist visits. However, lot of the times, not knowing how to care for your teeth and gum best can lead to problems. Tooth decay, gum infections and diseases of different kinds are very common. Simplest of things including teeth brushing and flossing can make big differences when done right.

People who don’t get their brushing and flossing techniques right, it will not matter how many times they do it. And also, people who get this right, brushing twice and flossing once a day will be good enough. So, it is important to develop the right teeth and gum cleaning habits. Read below to find out just what you need to get these habits right:

Teeth Brushing Tips

Firstly, it is important to brush your teeth twice a day. Do this 30 minute to 1-hour after a big meal. Brushing your teeth before going to bed and after breakfast are the best times to do it. It will remove all that plaque and that layer of bacteria that will otherwise never go away. Also, these bacteria and plaque is what creates cavities through their acidic nature. Make sure to:

  • Get a pea-sized dab of fluoride toothpaste on your toothbrush. Make sure to use a soft brush. Go medium if you really want but necessarily avoid the hard ones.
  • Brush your teeth with the brush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line.
  • Move the brush on the teeth in circular motions. For electric brushes, hold them at the same angle on your teeth and gum line. Think of cleaning one tooth or a couple of teeth at a time. Spend about 5 seconds on every tooth. Do not press the brush too hard.
  • Make sure the bristles of the brush reach the in between teeth spaces. Do focus on the chewing surface and also the back teeth. Ensure that your toothbrush gets in all crevices and grooves.
  • It is often best to start from the back teeth both upper and lower. Also, make sure to run the toothbrush on your tongue and upper mouth walls as well very softly.
  • Rinse with normal temperature clean water of mouthwash after brushing the teeth for a couple of minutes. Replace your toothbrush every 3 months.

Teeth Flossing Tips You Need to Know

First of all, don’t think that if you are brushing twice a day, you are don’t with teeth care. You also need to floss your teeth. Often, food particles get stuck inside the teeth. From there, they can cause cavities that lead to tooth decay. Usually, the major reason for needing dental dentures, crowns, bridges or implants is tooth decay. Make sure to:

  • Get about 15-18-inch strip of floss to start the process.
  • We recommend winding the floss on the middle finger of each hand. However, some people will find it easier on the index finger.
  • Start flossing from the top front teeth first and then move to the bottom ones. Get the floss between your teeth using preferred finger action. However, make sure not to let the floss get into your gums. It will cause bleeding gums.
  • Move it both up and around the gum line and also up and down while in the between teeth spaces. It should look like a C-shape around the tooth that you are flossing. Make sure to get flossing between all teeth and also behind the back teeth. It will take some time but will be time well spent.
  • As you go along, make sure to bring the clean floss forward winding away the used one on one of your fingers. It is a good idea to use fluoride mouthwash right after flossing.

How to Rinse Teeth and Gum Best?

The last part of your daily home oral care is to rinse the teeth and the gums. What you need is a mouthwash. However, you need to be specific about your mouthwash selection as well.

  • Rinse after teeth cleaning and also every meal with an antiseptic mouthwash. This is what we also call antibacterial mouthwash. It will help kill away all the plaque-causing bacteria that might lead to bad breath and also early gum disease.
  • It is a good idea to go for fluoride mouthwashes. These will prolong tooth life preventing tooth decay. Some mouthwashes come with both fluoride and antibacterial properties. Get those.
  • Make sure to juggle around the mouthwash inside your mouth for anywhere between 40-60 seconds. Using mouthwash before or after brushing and flossing works the same. Make sure to mouthwash at least once during the day after that big meal.

Eat the Right Foods for Best Oral Health

Foods come in different shapes and forms. Some are good for your oral and body health, some are not. Acidic foods are generally not so good when it comes to teeth and gum health. Make sure to avoid:

  • Hard longer lasting candies, pies, cookies and cakes.
  • Any sugar-filled bubble gums or chews.
  • Breadsticks, chips and crackers.
  • Dried foods that tend to stick inside the mouth on the teeth.

These are all tempting foods. However, if you want your oral health to last longer, make sure to eat fresh fruits and vegetables more than these options.

Visiting the Dentist

Dental checkups are pretty necessary. If you want to avoid too frequent dentist visits, make sure to visit at regular intervals. Visiting the dentist at least once a year is a must. Every six months is the best when you don’t have any problems. Professional dentists will check your oral health. Advise on the best oral care products including toothpaste and mouthwashes.